Women’s Resistance – From Victimization to Criminalization October 1-3, 2001
Government Conference Centre (2 Rideau Street, Ottawa)
Preliminary Agenda — Sept 28
(Note: Agenda is subject to change — final agenda will be provided at registration. All plenary and some workshops (as indicated) will be supported with simultaneous translation)
Monday, October 1st, 2001
Registration and Special Needs Table Open
Poetry Reading by Elizabeth Pickett at Mamie Labobe’s Art Display
Displays Open and Coffee Available
Mani Hall
Opening Plenary – Chair: Diana Yaros
Tina Beads, Senator Landon Pearson, Dr. Hedy Fry, Dr. Sunera Thobani, Dr. Julia Sudbury, Suzy Rojtman, Kim Pate, Lee Lakeman
Locating this Conference in the Wider World — 2001
10:45am-12:15pm Workshops and Working Groups
202 – 1A1
Lisa Addario
Challenging Access to Civil Legal Aid
511 – 1A2
Rosa Arteaga, Rosario Valdez
Achievements and Limitations after 20 Years of Fighting Violence Against Women in Mexico
Translation – 1A3
Provided 508
Tina Beads, Fay Blaney
Restorative Justice from the Perspective of Aboriginal Women
207 – 1A4
Jennifer Koshan, staff and volunteers of Elizabeth Fry Society of Calgary
Alberta (DIS) Advantage: the Protection of Children Involved in Prostitution Act and the Rights of Young Women
208 – 1A5
Donna Maidment
Toward a Woman-Centred Approach to Community-Based Corrections: A Gendered Analysis of Electronic Monitoring in Eastern Canada
Translation – 1A6
Provided 517
Vivian Green, Rai Reece, Rashmee Singh
Tracking Dual Charges: A Pilot Project to Track and Monitor Police-Laid Charges Against Women Abuse Situations in Toronto
519 – 1A7
Velma Demerson, Connie Backhouse
Incarcerating the “Incorrigible”: Race, Class and Gender Bias in Canadian Law
513 – 1A8
Dr. Ailsa Watkinson, Dawn McBride
Jesus Saves: Religiosity in Prison Programs
209 – 1A9
Joan Sangster
Girls in Conflict with the Law Under the Juvenile Delinquents Act: Learning from History
514 – 1A10
Amanda Choudra
Law and Order Kills Kim Rogers’ in Sudbury
304 – 1A11
Marilou McPhedran
A Gender Analysis of Screwing Patients
533 – 1A12
Patricia Monture-Angus
After the Task Force on Federally Sentenced Women: Lessons and Challenges
Translation – 1A15
Provided 200
Dr. Sylvie Frigon
Killing as a Survival Strategy: Narratives of Women
405 – 1A13
Elizabeth Sheehy
False Reporting of Women – What’s in it for Them?
305 – 1A16
Jas Dhillon
Blurring the Divide: Linking Community, Government and Academics in Anti-Violence Research and Action
504 – 1A14
Marlene Mirasty, Bonnie Roth, Kathleen Kendall
The Evolution of “Treatment” in Prisons for Women
Lunch — Performance by Glenna McConnell and Pamela Witcher
Monday, October 1st, 2001
Main Hall
Plenary – Chair: Dawn McBride
Madam Justice Louise Arbour, Supreme Court of Canada, Former War Crimes Prosecutor and Commissioner for the Inquiry Into Certain Events at the Prison for Women in Kingston
Can Law Deliver for all Women?
How can we work to keep vulnerable people, especially women and children, safe, and call people to account, without calling for longer, more punitive punishments?
How can the needs of victims be met without eroding fairness and due process protections of accused persons?
How do we continue to work towards women’s equality and social justice given the current social, economic and political climate?
Break — Movement, No Coffee
2:15-3:45pm Workshops and Working Groups
Translation – 1B1
Provided 508
Heather MacKenzie, Julie McKay, Liliane Aflalo
Women Who Have Been in Conflict with the Law Working with Women in Conflict with the Law
Translation – 1B2
Provided 517
Gwen Brodsky
Poverty and Women’s Equality Rights
Translation – 1B3
Provided 200
Dr. Sylvie Frigon
Women’s Bodies in Prison: From Control to Resistance
504 – 1B4
Pauline Funston, Deanne Lemieux
What does the Transition House Look Like When Feminists are Running It?
202 – 1B5
Cherry Kingsley
Sexual Exploitation of Aboriginal Youth
207 – 1B6
Nicole Kennedy
Prostitution and Sex Trafficking: Experiences Developing a Feminist Position and Strategy in the Current Context
208 – 1B7
Connie Kristiansen, Katharine Kelly
Recovered Memories of Child Abuse: Revictimization in Prison and the Courts
511 – 1B8
Linda Lalonde
Poverty: From Feminize to Stigmatize to Criminalize
304 – 1B9
Alice Lee
Some Feminist Issues in Funding Our Houses
513 – 1B10
Lisa Needoba
Safe Harvest: A Sexual Assault Prevention Project in Rural Agricultural B.C.
405 – 1B12
Patricia Monture-Angus
Aboriginal Women and the History of Resistance
305 – 1B13
Annabel Webb, Karen Busby
“Protective Confinement” and “Secure Care”: Compassionate Response or New-Criminalization of Girls in Prostitution?
519 – 1B14
Diana Yaros, Danièle Tessier
Is Social Change Possible in A World of Violence Against Women? A Passionate Discussion of Individual and Collective Responsibility and Privilege
533 – 1B15
Dara Culhane
Medicalization and Legalization: The Master’s Tools of Resistance
209 – 1B16
Trish Crawford, Linda Hahn, Bonnie Nash, Bobbie Kidd
All Wrapped Up: Community Linkages for Women Leaving Prison
Break — Coffee
Monday, October 1st, 2001
4:00-5:30pm Workshops and Working Groups
Translation – 1C1
Provided 508
Nancy Stableforth, Laureen Snider, Kelly Hannah-Moffat
Encroachment and Erosion: Reflecting on an Ideal of Women-Centredness
Translation – 1C2
Provided 517
Catherine Latimer, Kami Pozniak
The Impact of the New Youth Criminal Justice Act on Young Women
209 – 1C3
Anne Marie di Censo
Women, HIV and Prisons
504 – 1C4
Suzanne Jay
Training to Increase Women’s Resistance
202 – 1C5
Lynn Cuddington
Sex Offender Registries — How Effective Are They?
304 – 1C6
Leona Heillig
Assault Prevention: An Empowering Approach
305 – 1C7
Jenny Mathews, Sally Gose
Project Respect — A Youth Driven Initiative Addressing the Root Causes of Sexual Violence
405 – 1C8
Denise McKinlay
Sexual Assault Survivors’ Experiences within the Court Process — Results of a Sarnia Qualitative Study
Translation – 1C9
Provided 200
Marie Pelchat
Les femmes, la santé et la mondialisation (Women, Health and Globalization)
207 – 1C10
Barb MacQuarrie, Sharon Chapman, Jacquie Carr, Sandy Welsh
Continuing the Way Forward: Harrassment and Violence Against Women in the Workplace
519 – 1C12
Dr. Colleen Dell, Debbie Blunderfield
Self-Injury, Violence and Penal Responses
208 – 1C13
Sitora Wirfel
Capacity Building for Transition of Female Ex-Offenders Back to Society in Uzbekistan
513 – 1C14
Daisy Kler, Amanda Workman
Women’s Centres as Organising Centres: Organising Against Violence Against Women While Resisting Co-option
514 – 1C15
Fay Blaney
Why Aboriginal Women Should Choose Feminism
Main Hall
Plenary Round Table – Chair:
Daisy Kler
Judy Rebick, Dr. Carolyn Bennett, Gwen Brodsky, Patricia Monture-Angus, Dr. Julia Sudbury, Lee Lakeman, Nathalie Duhamel
Strategies for Social Change: Considering electoral politics, human rights mechanisms, self-government and anti-globalization strategies:
How do we continue to work towards women’s equality and social justice given the current social, economic and political climate?
How can we use the state as it exists to protect women and other oppressed groups without calling for longer, more punitive punishments?
How can we protect an independent women’s movement while allying effectively against patriarchal globalization?
Tuesday, October 2nd, 2001
Registration and Special Needs Table Open
Displays Open and Coffee Available
Main Hall
Plenary/Round Table – Chair:
Lee Lakeman
Phyllis MacRae, Fay Blaney, Sharon McIvor, Dr. Margaret Shaw, Renate Mohr, Kim Pate
Restorative Justice
If Restorative Justice is a Government Program, Who is in Charge and What’s the Plan?
Is Restorative Justice a Return to Traditional Values and Practices?
Does Restorative Justice have a More Feminist effect than law and order?
Can Restorative Justice, as opposed to Retributive Justice, improve our chances for a humane and equal future?
10:45am-12:15pm Workshops and Working Groups
533 – 2A18
Agnes Huang
All Systems Failure: the Illegalization, Criminalization and Dehumanization of the Chinese People Who Arrived in Canada by Ship in 1999
304 – 2A02
Anneke VanVliet, Sheila McDonald
Rape Evidence: Health Care Programs in Two Provinces
305 – 2A03
Dana Ayotte
Vigil and Memorial or Resistance and Revolution? Discussion and debate around how women in engineering and technology resisted the Montreal Massacre and ways that we continue to resist 12 years later.
202 – 2A04
Laurie Anderson, Julie Black
Courts and Community in Alberta: Where are we on Protection and Restraining Orders?
514 – 2A05
Jordon Ann Alderman, Michelle Quick
Peer Support for Youth Leaving Custody
405 – 2A06
Dr. Anu Bose, Lucya Spenser,
Romola Trebilcock, Nhung Noang
Restorative Justice and Domestic Violence: A Perspective from Immigrant and Visible Minority Women
207 – 2A07
Christine Boyle, Victoria Gray
Meanings of “Woman” — Resistance Based on Individual and Collective Identity
Translation – 2A08
Provided 200
Denise Côté
Intervention Féministe de groupe auprès des survivantes d’inceste
519 – 2A09
Cynthia Davis
Take Back the Night in the Smaller Cities: Kamloops and Timmins
511 – 2A10
Kathleen Kendall, Dorothy Proctor
Experimentation on Prisoners
208 – 2A11
Patricia Merle
Celebrating Our Stories: Workshops for Women in Prison
513 – 2A12
Naomi Szigeti
R. v. Cuerrier – BC Man Convicted of Assault for Infecting Women with HIV/AIDS
412 – 2A13
Fiona Sampson
Making Women’s Equality Rights Real: An Analysis of Judicial and Legislative Decision-Making Relating to Violence Against Women
415 – 2A14
Elizabeth Sheehy
The Pitfalls and Perils of Mandatory Minimum Sentences, as Exemplified by Two Cases
504 – 2A15
Sherene Razack
When Sexual Violence is Colonial Violence: The Murder of Pamela George
209 – 2A16
Annabel Webb, Joanne Butowski
Criminalizing Victims: Incarcerating Sexually Exploited Girls as a Protectionary Measure and Incarcerating Girls for Poverty-Related Crimes
Translation – 2A01
Provided 508
France Bourgault, Silvia Martinez
Les centres de femmes : un réseau de lutte et d’intervention contre toute forme de violence faite aux femmes
Translation – 2A17
Provided 517
Nicole Robillard, Danièle Tessier, Chantal Robitaille
CASAC LINKS: Learning How the System Prevents Conviction — Pan-Canadian Research
Main Hall
Plenary Round Table – Chair: Suzanne Jay
Nicole Robillard, Josephine Grey, Heather MacKenzie, Kim Pate, Leslie Kelman
The Service/Advocacy Debate:
Are we trying to serve every woman and girl who is victimized or are we try to organize those women to prevent vicitmization and criminalization of women?
What do we say, after we say, “It’s not her fault”?
How do we discuss women’s responsibility and capacity to keep themselves from being raped and keep themselves out of jail?
How can we resist the funding pressure to do only service work?
How do we discuss the systemic set up that makes women vulnerable to violence against us or risky criminalized behavior?
To do without what you need materially, sexually and socially is not freedom. How do we discuss the life-affirming acts of liberty like breaking the law to survive, without being irresponsible.
Break — Movement, no Coffee
2:15-3:45pm Workshops and Working Groups
305 – 2B01
Mary Barr
Perpetual Motion: A General Overview of Criminal Justice Policies Before, During and After Incarceration
208 – 2B02
Susan Boyd
Women and Drugs: Repression and Resistance
405 – 2B03
Chantal Roy
HIFIS: a user-friendly tool to collect information on homeless individuals and families
Translation – 2B04
Provided 508
Andrée Côté
The Politics of Provocation as a Defence in Criminal Law
304 – 2B05
Dara Culhane
Women’s Poverty and Health in Downtown Eastside Vancouver
Translation – 2B06
Provided 200
Lynn Hartery, Charmaine Davidge
Mental Health Consumers and the Dilemma This Group of Women Poses for Shelters
202 – 2B07
Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich
Beyond Victims and Villains: Some Thoughts on Youth and Violence in Canada
207 – 2B08
Kelly Hannah-Moffatt, Margaret Shaw
What are the Risks? Gender, Diversity and the Classification and Assessment of Women in Prison
412 – 2B09
Phyllis Iverson
Prisoners’ Justice Day: A Canadian Story
519 – 2B11
Josephine Grey
Feminization of Poverty: A Human Rights Perspective
504 – 2B12
Dr. Julia Sudbury
The Global Prison Industrial Complex: Women, Racism and Resistance
415 – 2B13
Colleen Purdon, Marilyn Struthers
The Balancing Act: Power and Truth Telling in the Development of a Community Justice Program Response to Domestic Violence in Ontario
Translation – 2B10
Provided 517
Dr. Yasmin Jiwani, Yuezhi Zhao,
Kate Rafter
Mediated Sexism: Violence Against Women in the Media
511 – 2B16
Dianne Martin
Welfare Fraud: The Criminalization of Female Poverty
209 – 2B14
Samantha Smyth, Nicole MacKay
Current Legal Issues in Exotic Dance
533 – 2B15
Kathleen Kendall, Dr. Shoshana Pollack
Pathologizing and Psychiatrizing Women Through Dialectical Behaviour and Other Therapies
Break — Coffee
4:00-5:30pm Workshops and Working Groups
513 – 2C01
Gina Hill
Amnesty International Report — Not Part of My Sentence
Translation – 2C17
Provided 517
Stella Vargas
Feminist Intervention in a Women’s Shelter for Immigrant and Refugee Women
Translation – 2C1
Provided 200
Diane Heffernan
Older Lesbians: Rebels Reduced to Silence
209 – 2C02
Elizabeth Comack, Salena Brickey
The Women’s Violence Research Project in Winnipeg
208 – 2C03
Rakhi Ruparelia
E-race-ing Bill C-79: Assessing the Federal Government’s Attempt at “Victims’ Rights”
504 – 2C04
Karlene Faith
32 Years After Manson: Leslie’s Story
412 – 2C05
Kerri Froc
Practical Aspects of Legal Interventions from LEAF’s Experience
405 – 2C06
Fatima Jaffer
Custody and Access from the Perspective of a Vancouver Coalition
202 – 2C07
Lynne Moss Sharman
Psychiatric Survivors: Who’s Shrinking Violet?
519 – 2C08
Faith Nolan
Healing Through Music
305 – 2C09
Kerry Neuman, Tracy Collins, Charlene Senn, et al.
Windsor Women’s Voices on Pornography: Past, Present and Future
207 – 2C10
Debra Parkes
Women, Prisons and the Political Process: Resisting Prisoner Disenfranchisement
Translation – 2C11
Provided 508
Nicole Robillard, Chantal Robitaille
Where have all the Collectives Gone? Feminist Organizing and the Collective Process
415 – 2C14
Greta Hofmann Nemiroff
Why are Men Violent? Explaining Male Violence Against Women
511 – 2C16
Beverly Bain
The Impact for Women of Working with Government to Effect Change with Respect to Police Handling of Sexual Assault of Women
514 – 2C17
Nikola Marin
Lock ’em up: call the cops
304 – 2C12
Romola Trebilcock, Anushka Nursoo
Sexual Exploitation of Marginalized Children in Korea and Elsewhere: A Canadian Perspective
Main Hall
Plenary Round Table – Chair:
Kim Pate
Beverly Bain, Anne Derrick,
Julie McKay, Dr. Sherene Razack, Bonnie Morton, Tamara Gorin,
Dianne Martin
Policing in Canada: Either they won’t come, or they won’t leave us alone.
Men Continue to Criminally Attack Women: What is the Police Role in the Lack of Convictions?
Women’s Training of the Police Has Not Worked, Now What?
How can women effectively complain about police behaviour, policies and procedures?
Who is in charge of the police? Civil control without political interference
The law is applied disproportionately – What is the police role in racializing crime and punishment?
People with Mental and Cognitive Disabilities are abandoned to the Streets: What can we expect the Police to Do?
The War on Poverty is Really a War on the Poor: What Can We Expect the Police to Do?
Wednesday, October 3rd, 2001
Displays Open — Coffee available
Main Hall
Plenary Round Table – Chair: Sheila McIntyre
Eileen Morrow, Lee Lakeman,
Dr. Julia Sudbury
Can we/will we form a pan-Canadian coalition against a “law and order” agenda?
What law and order must we demand?
What law and order is regressive? – death penalty? Longer sentences? Family group counselling? Conditional sentences? New prisons? More secure prisons? Classification systems? Electronic monitoring? Restorative justice? Parole hearings? Victims’ rights? The Charter?
Should we support more police powers and bigger police budgets?
10:45am-12:15pm Workshops and Working Groups
Translation – 3A02
Provided 508
Jo Sutton
Exclusion Creates Inequality: Federal Government Internet-Related Policies and the Implications for Women’s Groups
Translation – 3A01
Provided 200
Fiona Sampson
Mandatory Minimum Sentences and Women With Disabilities: The Political and Legal Challenges
412 – 3A16
Eileen Morrow
Custody, Access and Reforming the new Divorce Act
209 – 3A04
Gunilla Ekberg
Working Against Prostitution as Male Violence: The Swedish Model
Translation – 3A05
Provided 517
Enjema Nanjob, Paulette Ewusi
Prostitution and Poverty for Rural Women in Cameroon
405 – 3A06
Virginia Fisher
What are the Hot Peach Pages and what can you do about them?
415 – 3A08
Lisa Neve, Patricia Monture-Angus
Labelled the Most Dangerous Woman in Canada: Lessons for Activitism
207 – 3A09
Mel Nimmo
Female Victimization and Resistance: Understanding Violence
305 – 3A10
Edith Regier, Pat Aylesworth
Crossing Communities Art Project: Art as Reparative Justice
504 – 3A11
Louisa Russell, Nelly Nippard,
Bonnie Mooney
How Can Anti-Violence Workers Hold Police Accountable?
511 – 3A12
Sheila McIntyre
Where Are We Now: Reckoning with Resistance to Feminist Efforts to Reform Sexual Assault Laws
519 – 3A13
Tamara Gorin
Preventing AIDS Through Anti-Violence Feminism
513 – 3A14
Mridula Morgan
Wednesday, October 3rd, 2001
Main Hall
Plenary Round Table – Chair:
Dr. Margaret Shaw
Kim Pate, Karlene Faith, Patricia Monture-Angus, Phyllis Iverson, Nicole Farmer
Can we make common cause and/or act in coalition to end women’s imprisonment?
Is it true that women are not the one’s doing the violence?
What would happen if we let all the women out of jail?
What percentage of women are in jail for violent crime?
Do we think it is ever necessary to jail women for property crime?
What do we do with the women who have committed violence against their children or other women?
Some women hold positions of power. Are we saying we would never jail them for wrong-doing, such as war crimes, exploitation, collusion, et cetera?
Break — movement, no Coffee
2:15-3:45pm Workshops and Working Groups
504 – 3B02
Karlene Faith
Resisting Penality as a Feminist Imperative
304 – 3B03
Sue Lott
Perspectives on the Tort of Defamation: The Police Use of Libel
Translation – 3B01
Provided 517
Anne Saris
Universal Guidelines for the Protection of Child Victims and Child Witnesses of Crime
208 – 3B07
Alison Dewar
On Being a Feminist Lawyer: Negotiating the Dilemmas of Being Both an Apologist and an Agent for Social Change
Translation – 3B08
Proided 200
Marie-Marthe Cousineau
Victimization and Criminalization of Young Girls Affiliated with Gangs and Young Girls Living on the Streets: The Stories They Tell
209 – 3B09
Leticia Sato Vatanagul
One Perspective on Rehabilitating the Incarcerated Filipino Women: Mothers and Child Prostitutes, The Parolees, Pardonees: Understanding Their Needs, the Causative and Therapeutic Factors and Their Involvement in Crime and Drug Addiction
511 – 3B10
Ellisa Loucks
NWAC Speaks About Aboriginal Women and Federal Corrections: Section 81 and 84 Agreements with Aboriginal Communities
412 – 3B11
Annabel Webb, Joanne Butowski
The Secure Care Act: A Punitive Response to the Oppression of Girls
Translation – 3B12
Provided 508
Diana Yaros, Danièle Tessier
What’s Up in Quebec: The Organizational Structures of Community Groups in Quebec and the Political Lobby it Represents
305 – 3B13
Diana Majury
Under Duress: A Critical Examination of the Legal Defence of Duress
405 – 3B14
Jo-Ann Connolly
The Role and Function of the Office of the Correctional Investigator
415 – 3B15
Beverley Sochatsky
Women’s Journeys in Self-Discovery: An Integrated Literacy and Life Skills Program for Women in Conflict with the Law
202 – 3B16
Dvora Neumark
How Creative Arts Affect the Process of Healing and Transfer into Political Acts
Closing Ceremony – Georgie Sabourin, Chantal Robitaille