Women’s Equality Groups intend to bring a unique position on Prostitution

 For immediate release

Women’s Equality Groups intend to bring a unique position on Prostitution
to the Supreme Court of Canada
(OTTAWA) May 1, 2013 – In 6 weeks the Supreme Court of Canada will conduct its hearing regarding Canada’s prostitution laws. The Women’s Coalition for the Abolition of Prostitution has been granted leave to intervene in the case. The Women’s Coalition will bring a feminist analysis of prostitution as both an expression and reinforcement of women’s inequality to the highest court of Canada.
The Attorney General of Canada’s position is that the court should maintain the status quo, keeping the laws on the books as they are. Bedford, et al’s position is that the court should strike down all three laws.  The Women’s Coalition, however, holds a third position and will argue that the court should consider an asymmetrical approach to the application of the existing laws that differentiates between the victims of prostitution and the exploiters of prostitution.
The Women’s Coalition will argue to the Supreme Court of Canada that since the vast majority of women enter prostitution due to conditions of economic, social and racial inequality; laws that criminalize women involved in prostitution must be removed. However, laws that prevent men from buying, selling and profiting from prostituted women are important protections that must be retained. 


Leading up to the hearing at the Supreme Court of Canada, the Women’s Coalition’s national campaign We Want More Than Prostitution for Women is calling for the abolition of inequality, poverty and prostitution. More information on the campaign can be found here: www.abolitionprostitution.ca
The members of the Women’s Coalition for the Abolition of Prostitution:
CASAC/ACCCACS – Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centres/ Association canadienne des centres contre le viol
NWAC – Native Women’s Association of Canada
CAEFS – Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies
RQCALACS – Regroupement québécois des centres d’aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel
CLES – Concertation des luttes contre l’exploitation sexuelle
Vancouver Rape Relief & Women’s Shelter
AOcVF – Action ontarienne contre la violence faite aux femmes
Media contact:
Vancouver – Hilla Kerner, 604-872-8212, hillak@rapereliefshelter. bc.ca
Ottawa – Candice Pilgrim, 613-866-6875, [email protected]