The Need for a Public Inquiry into the Pickton Investigation

The Vancouver Police Department and RCMP have openly admitted that a public inquiry is deserved in the investigation of Robert William Pickton, convicted in 2007 for the murders of six women.  Among the mistakes made in the investigation, Vancouver police reportedly dismissed compelling evidence of a serial killer in the Downtown Eastside. However, a decision has yet to be made as to whether this public inquiry will be held.

Public inquiry into Pickton investigation possible. CBC news, July 30th, 2010.

Read CASAC’s letter in favour of a public inquiry, dated August 5th, 2010.

Read a Response to the VPD Review of the mistakes in the cases of the Missing Women and the Pickton Murders by Lee Lakeman, Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter. August 23rd, 2010.

Women’s group wants public inquiry into Pickton murders – ‘Apologies are not good enough’. Dave White, News1130. August 24th, 2010.